Download the Latest Version of OnlyFans App APK for Free

Are you interested in installing the OnlyFans APK on your Android device? If so, you’ve arrived at the perfect place.

Our website provides a direct download link for the most recent version of the OnlyFans .apk file. This ensures that you receive a version that is not only up-to-date but also safe and secure for your device. Rest assured, downloading from our website guarantees that your application is authentic and free from any harmful software.

App NameOnlyFans APK
App Size8.82 MB
Required OSAndroid 4.2 or above
App CategorySocial Media

What is OnlyFans APK

The OnlyFans APK has a subscription-based model, where creators get paid to upload their content and also for providing individual pieces of content on demand. Users are charged monthly for using this platform. Its content can be shared on other social media websites, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. OnlyFans is available for users in Australia, Canada, European Union, Mexico, United States, and United Kingdom.

Timothy Christopher Stokely launched the OnlyFans in 2016. It has been popular since its beginning as an adult entertainment website, but later, it encompassed other genres such as chef, fitness training, music, models, and more.

How does OnlyFans works

There are two types of accounts in OnlyFans, viz creator and fan account.

Creator account: A creator needs to provide their name, email address, ID, and a selfie to confirm their identity and age (A creator must be at-least 18 years old). And, of course, a payment method is a must-have to provide.

Fan account: A fan can subscribe to the creator’s page by paying a fee of $5-50/month, set by the creator himself/herself. Additionally, a fan can also request and purchase an individual exclusive piece of content from the creators.

Main Features of OnlyFans App

Live Streaming is OnlyFans’ most popular feature, but creators can also share images, videos, voice messages, and discounted offers. The Main Features of OnlyFans app are explained below:

Subscription-Based Model:

In the subscription-based model, content creators can establish a recurring revenue stream by offering exclusive access to their work through a subscription plan. This model enables fans and followers to support their favorite creators by paying a fixed monthly fee, in which the creators get 80%, while OnlyFans takes 20% of fee for its services.

Private Conversation:

Fans can contact their subscribed creators via private messages, making it possible for them to interact directly their favorite creators.

Live Streaming:

Creators can do live streaming in OnlyFans app, which provides a great opportunity for fans to interact with them in real-time.


Fans can make in-app purchases and even send tips to support their favorite creators.


Exclusive content is protected by a very secure paywall method to make sure that only paid subscribers are able to see it.

Diverse Payment Gateway Integration:

OnlyFans provides a variety of payment gateways, including, PayPal, and Stripe, to make it easy for creators to get payments from fans across various countries without any hassle.

Content Moderation Team:

OnlyFans has a dedicated team that checks the quality of content uploaded by creators and whether it complies with the platform’s terms and conditions. Subscribers can also report inappropriate content, and the team will manually investigate and take action accordingly.

Notifications and Alerts:

Creators can send notifications to their fans to let them know that new content, such as videos, live streams, etc., is uploaded/scheduled. The fans can also choose to receive notifications from their favorite creators and mute notifications from others.

Detailed Analytical Insights:

This platform allows creators to check the performance of each piece of content. It helps them to find out which sort of trend is going on, eventually helping them to identify trends and create better content to increase their fan following and engagement. Fans can also check the performance of their creators, such as how much they are earning and where their fans are located.

Users Privacy and Security:

Users’ privacy and security are among OnlyFans’ top priorities. A dedicated team is responsible for protecting users’ personal information, passwords, and other potential security threats to the platform.

How to Download and Install OnlyFans Android Application

OnlyFans android app has yet to be officially available on Google Play Store. Therefore, you have to download its APK file from our website and install it manually on your Android device. A detailed guide is provided below:

  1. Visit our website:
  2. Click on the download button to get the OnlyFans APK.
  3. Visit the settings of your android device.
  4. Click on the “security” option.
  5. Tick the “unknown sources” option.
  6. Find the downloaded APK in the file manager.
  7. Double tap on it to install it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is OnlyFans Safe?

Yes, it’s absolutely safe if creators and fans follow the safety precautions and do not share sensitive personal information with each other. In the past, a few creators were harassed by their fans because they had some personal information about those creators, which was willingly shared in an individual chat.

Is OnlyFans illegal?

It depends upon the country where you live. In the USA, Canada, Italy, Mexico, and many other countries, it is legal. But in some countries, such as the UAE, India, and a few more, it is illegal. OnlyFans has its own rules, which are same for everyone. These rules differ from the laws of a few countries, which causes confusion and bans OnlyFans.

Does OnlyFans Have an App?

OnlyFans does not have an official app but don’t worry. A third-party app has been developed using the WebView feature of Android development. This makes it perfect as it has all the features available on the official website.

How Much Can You Make on OnlyFans?

It depends on how many subscribers a creator has. As mentioned above, a creator can set a monthly subscription fee between $5 and $50. Creators can also sell exclusive content pieces to fans on demand and offer discounted items. The more followers the creators have, the more earnings they can generate through OnlyFans. Create quality content consistently; both your fan-following and income will increase progressively.


OnlyFans is an excellent platform for creators of multiple genres. If you have a good skill, such as cooking or fitness instructor, you can create content on OnlyFans, gain followers, and earn money. Fans can also follow their desired creator and contact them directly.

From our website, you have learned how to download and install OnlyFans APK on your Android device. Remember to share our website with your friends and family if you like it.

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